Global Education: Exchanges for Engineers and Entrepreneurs


ICAI Madrid

Universidad Pontificia de Comillas - ICAI, Madrid

ICAI School of Engineering 25 Alberto Aguilera St. 28015 Madrid, Spain

Total Students
International Students

Member University Information

International Office
Number of Students

About 2000 (UG/G/PG) [only Engineering]
About 120 to 150 [only Engineering]

What you can Apply For

Refer below

Programs and Courses in English
Programs and Courses in Local Language
Academic Calendar

Refer to Incoming students: ICAI International Website

Summer Schools

Fall, Spring and Summer School for exchange students (no fees): 

To be discussed, usually offered to bilateral partners.

Language Courses
Exchanges within Ge4

Engineering (Undergraduate and Graduate)
Refer to Incoming students: ICAI International Website
Guide for incoming students.