Global Education: Exchanges for Engineers and Entrepreneurs


Universität Stuttgart

Universität Stuttgart

University of Stuttgart International Office (IZ) Pfaffenwaldring 60 70569 Stuttgart Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Total Students
International Students

Member University Information

International Office

Contact for students visiting the University of Stuttgart: [email protected]

Number of Students

See above

What you can Apply For

Exchange program (one semester/one year)

Programs and Courses in English

C@MPUS – The campus management portal of the University of Stuttgart:

On C@MPUS, students can search for specific courses, view module handbooks and more.

Information on our study programs.

Programs and Courses in Local Language

C@MPUS – The campus management portal of the University of Stuttgart:

On C@MPUS, students can search for specific courses, view module handbooks and more.

Academic Calendar

Winter semester 2024/2025:


Semester starts October 1, 2024

Classes start Monday, October 07, 2024

Classes end Saturday, February 08, 2025

Exams Period Monday, February 10, 2025 – March 31, 2025

Semester ends March 31, 2025

Semester break / holidays:

All Saints’ Day: Friday, November 01, 2024

Year end semester break 2024/25: Monday, December 23, 2024 to Monday, January 06, 2025 (inclusive of both dates)


Summer semester 2025:

Semester stars April 1, 2025

Classes start Monday, April 7, 2025

Classes end Saturday, July 19, 2025

Exams Period Monday July 21, 2025 – September 30, 2025

Semester ends September 30, 2025

Semester break / holidays

Friday, April 18 – Monday, April, 21, 2025 (Easter break) 

Thursday, May 1, 2025 (Labor Day) 

Thursday, May 29, 2025 (Ascencion Day) 

Monday, June 9 – Saturday, June 14, 2025 (Whitsun holidays) 

Thursday, June 19, 2025 (Corpus Christi)

Exchanges within Ge4

On request. Feel free to contact us any time.