The General Assembly of Ge4 2022

After three years without meeting because of COVID19, the Ge4 family had the pleasure of being hosted at IMT Mines Albi, France, to hold its general assembly and annual meeting.

We were very pleased to be able to welcome the representatives of the University of Vigo Spain, Trento University Italy, EPF Graduate School of Engineering France, ENSTA Bretagne France, Institut Supérieur d’Electronique de Paris (ISEP) France, Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen Nürnberg (FAU) Germany, Hochschule Pforzheim, Germany, University of Technology of Malaysia and of course from the host, IMT MinesAlbi, France.

On the first day, we welcomed all the participants with a wine of the region tasting in the garden of the Hotel Mecure, at the foot ofthe river Tarn, facing the magnificent view of the ancient city of Albi and the Cathedral ofSaint Cecile, classified as UNESCO cultural heritage.On the other days, the General Assembly and annual meeting was dedicated to work onseveral topics, such as:

  • Let’s chart our future together: “Global competencies developed by engineeringstudents when going abroad”
  • Rebound, Reimagine, Rebuild: Post-Pandemic Resilience in International Collaboration &Global Education
  • International Partnership Building and Global Learning for all
  • Entering New Realm in Global Education Experience
  • Let’s chart our future together “how to involve industry more efficiently in ournetwork?”.

Although working hard, in our free time, we could also enjoy guided tours of the Albi and Cordes-sur-Ciel, named the most beautiful village in France, where we tasted the wonders of French cuisine.

We could also visit the Aeroscopia museum and Airbus facilities in the city of Toulouse tofinalize our meeting.

As for every annual meeting, we could ally interesting work, cultural experiences,network and have fun together, the ingredients of a successful time spent together.

Carmen Montaud, GE4 executive officer.
